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Training for awareness of one’s own spirituality: A key factor in overcoming barriers to the provision of spiritual care to advanced cancer patients by doctors and nurses.

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Bar-Sela G, Schultz MJ, Elshamy K, Rassouli M, Ben-Arye E, Doumit M, Gafer N, Albashayreh A, Ghrayeb I, Turker I, Ozalp G, Kav S, Fahmi R, Nestoros S, Ghali H, Mula-Hussain L, Shazar I, Obeidat R, Punjwani R, Khleif M, Can G, Tuncel G, Charalambous H, Faraj S, Keoppi N, Al-Jadiry M, Postovsky S, Al-Omari M, Razzaq S, Ayyash H, Khader K, Kebudi R, Omran S, Rasheed O, Qadire M, Ozet A, Silbermann M.


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