מאגר פרסומים
מאגר הפרסומים כולל מאמרים ועבודות שפורסמו בעיתונות שעברה סקירה וגם מאמרים שלא עברו סקירה שמחבר ישראלי שותף בהם.
חפש במסד הנתונים
Clarfield MA, Dwolatzky T, Brill S, Press Y, Glick S, Shvartzman P, Doron I.
Israel Ad Hoc COVID-19 Committee: Guidelines for Care of Older Persons During a Pandemic
J Am Geriatr Soc .68(7):1370-1375.
Clarfield MA, Dwolatzky T, Brill S, Press Y, Glick S, Shvartzman P, Doron I.
Nakash O, Granek L, Cohen M, Bar-Sela G, Geffen D, Ben David M.
Does Assessment Method Matter in Detecting Mental Health Distress among Ashkenazi and Mizrahi Israeli Women with Breast Cancer?
Health Soc Work.
Nakash O, Granek L, Cohen M, Bar-Sela G, Geffen D, Ben David M.
Maya Lavie-Ajayi
Learning to See at the Intersections of Body, Gender, Geography, and Nationality
Qualitative Inquiry 26(1)
Maya Lavie-Ajayi
Moriah Ellen , Saritte Perlman, Einav Horowitz , Ruth Shach , Raphael Catane
Understanding Physicians’ Perceptions of Overuse of Health Services in Oncology
Med Care Res Rev .
Moriah Ellen , Saritte Perlman, Einav Horowitz , Ruth Shach , Raphael Catane
Bar-Sela G, Bagon S, Mitnik I, Baziliansky S, Bar-Sella A, Vornicova O, Tzuk-Shina T.
The Perception of Oncology Staff Members Regarding Advance Care Planning.
Support Care Cancer.
Bar-Sela G, Bagon S, Mitnik I, Baziliansky S, Bar-Sella A, Vornicova O, Tzuk-Shina T.
Ratmansky M, Shvartzman P, Freud F, Samson T, Haim A.
The Brief Pain Inventory (BPI), Hebrew Version: A psychometric validation
Journal of Pain Management; Hauppauge Vol. 13, Iss. 2: 125-132.
Ratmansky M, Shvartzman P, Freud F, Samson T, Haim A.
Shaulov A, Baddarni K, Cherny N, Shaham D, Shvartzman P, Tellem R, Clarfield AM
“Death is inevitable – a bad death is not” report from an international workshop.
Isr J Health Policy Res. 8(1):79.
Shaulov A, Baddarni K, Cherny N, Shaham D, Shvartzman P, Tellem R, Clarfield AM