מאגר פרסומים
מאגר הפרסומים כולל מאמרים ועבודות שפורסמו בעיתונות שעברה סקירה וגם מאמרים שלא עברו סקירה שמחבר ישראלי שותף בהם.
חפש במסד הנתונים
Charles L Sprung , Simon L Cohen, Peter Sjokvist, Mario Baras, Hans-Henrik Bulow, Seppo Hovilehto, Didier Ledoux, Anne Lippert, Paulo Maia, Dermot Phelan, Wolfgang Schobersberger, Elisabet Wennberg, Tom Woodcock; Ethicus Study Group
End-of-life practices in European intensive care units: the Ethicus Study
JAMA . 2003 Aug 13;290(6):790-7.
Charles L Sprung , Simon L Cohen, Peter Sjokvist, Mario Baras, Hans-Henrik Bulow, Seppo Hovilehto, Didier Ledoux, Anne Lippert, Paulo Maia, Dermot Phelan, Wolfgang Schobersberger, Elisabet Wennberg, Tom Woodcock; Ethicus Study Group
Shvartzman P, Friger M, Shani A, Barak F, Cohen Y, Zinger Y.
Pain control of ambulatory cancer patients – can we do better?
J Pain Symptom Manage ;26(2):716-22
Shvartzman P, Friger M, Shani A, Barak F, Cohen Y, Zinger Y.
A Mark Clarfield , Michael Gordon, Hazel Markwell, Shabbir M H Alibhai
Ethical issues in end-of-life geriatric care: the approach of three monotheistic religions-Judaism, Catholicism, and Islam
J Am Geriatr Soc . 2003 Aug;51(8):1149-54.
A Mark Clarfield , Michael Gordon, Hazel Markwell, Shabbir M H Alibhai
Y Michael Barilan
The terminal patient: Jewish religious law, the Steinberg report and the bioethical discourse in Israel
Harefuah . 2003 Jul;142(7):558-62, 564.
Y Michael Barilan
Y Michael Barilan
Of doctor-patient sex and assisted suicide
Isr Med Assoc J . 2003 Jun;5(6):460-3.
Y Michael Barilan
Revisiting the problem of Jewish bioethics: the case of terminal care
Kennedy Inst Ethics J . 2003 Jun;13(2):141-68.
Y Michael Barilan
Phillip D Levin , Charles L Sprung
Cultural differences at the end of life
Crit Care Med . 2003 May;31(5 Suppl):S354-7.