מאגר פרסומים
מאגר הפרסומים כולל מאמרים ועבודות שפורסמו בעיתונות שעברה סקירה וגם מאמרים שלא עברו סקירה שמחבר ישראלי שותף בהם.
חפש במסד הנתונים
Bar-Sela G, Goldberg H, Bec D, Amit A, Kuten A.
Reducing the accumulation of malignant ascites by repeated administration of a Viscum album extract into the peritoneal cavity.
Anticancer Res 2006;26:709-14.
Bar-Sela G, Goldberg H, Bec D, Amit A, Kuten A.
Bar-Sela G, Gershony A, Haim N.
Mistletoe (viscum album) preparations: An optional drug for cancer patients?
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Bar-Sela G, Gershony A, Haim N.
Bar-Sela G.
Book review: Integrative Oncology- Principles and Practices.
Int J Rad Oncol Bio Phys 2006;65:954
Julie Benbenishty , Freda DeKeyser Ganz, Anne Lippert, Hans-Henrik Bulow, Elisabeth Wennberg, Beverly Henderson, Mia Svantesson, Mario Baras, Dermot Phelan, Paulo Maia, Charles L Sprung
Nurse involvement in end-of-life decision making: the ETHICUS Study
Intensive Care Med . 2006 Jan;32(1):129-32.
Julie Benbenishty , Freda DeKeyser Ganz, Anne Lippert, Hans-Henrik Bulow, Elisabeth Wennberg, Beverly Henderson, Mia Svantesson, Mario Baras, Dermot Phelan, Paulo Maia, Charles L Sprung
Elon Eisenberg
European pain and palliative care perspectives: new online resource for physicians and other health professionals
J Pain Palliat Care Pharmacother . 2006;20(3):29-30.
Shirli Resnizky , Netta Bentur
Can family caregivers of terminally ill patients be a reliable source of information about the severity of patient symptoms?
Am J Hosp Palliat Care . 2006;23(6):447-56.
Shirli Resnizky , Netta Bentur
Nathan I Cherny
Palliative care in situations of conflict: lessons from Jerusalem
Am J Hosp Palliat Care . 2006;23(6):469-74.
Netta Bentur , Shirli Resnizky
Validation of the McGill Quality of Life Questionnaire in home hospice settings in Israel
Palliat Med . 2005 Oct;19(7):538-44.
Netta Bentur , Shirli Resnizky