מאגר פרסומים
מאגר הפרסומים כולל מאמרים ועבודות שפורסמו בעיתונות שעברה סקירה וגם מאמרים שלא עברו סקירה שמחבר ישראלי שותף בהם.
חפש במסד הנתונים
Hamama Raz Y. Peled,M. Perry, S. Raz, R.Hod, M.
Parents Coping with Stillbirth: Detachment or Attachment?
Harefua, 145: 418-422
Hamama Raz Y. Peled,M. Perry, S. Raz, R.Hod, M.
F D Ganz , J Benbenishty, M Hersch, A Fischer, G Gurman, C L Sprung
The impact of regional culture on intensive care end of life decision making: an Israeli perspective from the ETHICUS study
J Med Ethics . 2006 Apr;32(4):196-9.
F D Ganz , J Benbenishty, M Hersch, A Fischer, G Gurman, C L Sprung
Yoram Singer
A possible model of mentoring the establishment of a home palliative care unit in a “resource-strapped” country
J Palliat Care . 2006 Spring;22(1):51-3.
S Einav , A Avidan, M Brezis, A Rubinow
Attitudes of medical practitioners towards “Do Not Resuscitate” orders
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S Einav , A Avidan, M Brezis, A Rubinow
Amos Shapira
Law and bioethics in Israel: between liberal ethical values and Jewish religious norms
J Int Bioethique . 2006 Mar-Jun;17(1-2):115-23,
Amos Shapira
Arkadi Yakirevitch , Michaela Bercovici, Lela Migirov, Abraham Adunsky, M Raphael Pfeffer, Jona Kronenberg, Yoav P Talmi
Olfactory function in oncologic hospice patients
J Palliat Med ;9(1):57-60
Arkadi Yakirevitch , Michaela Bercovici, Lela Migirov, Abraham Adunsky, M Raphael Pfeffer, Jona Kronenberg, Yoav P Talmi
Michaela Bercovitch , Abraham Adunsky
High dose controlled-release oxycodone in hospice care
J Pain Palliat Care Pharmacother ;20(4):33-9.
Michaela Bercovitch , Abraham Adunsky
Ben-Arye E, Bar-Sela G, Frenkel M, Kuten A, Hermoni D.
Is a bio-psycho-social-spiritual approach relevant to cancer treatment? A study of patients and oncology staff members on issues of complementary medicine and spirituality.
Supp Care Cancer 2006;14:147-52.
Ben-Arye E, Bar-Sela G, Frenkel M, Kuten A, Hermoni D.