מאגר פרסומים
מאגר הפרסומים כולל מאמרים ועבודות שפורסמו בעיתונות שעברה סקירה וגם מאמרים שלא עברו סקירה שמחבר ישראלי שותף בהם.
חפש במסד הנתונים
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Barriers and facilitators in coping with patient death in clinical oncology.
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Granek L, Ariad S, Shapira S, Bar-Sela G, Ben-David M.
Sznitman SR, Goldberg V, Sheinman-Yuffe H, Flechter E, Bar-Sela G.
Storage and disposal of medical cannabis among oncology patients: assessing the risk of diversion and unintentional digestion.
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Sznitman SR, Goldberg V, Sheinman-Yuffe H, Flechter E, Bar-Sela G.
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Mistletoe in patients with advanced lung cancer: Should it be an integral part of the treatment.
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Tools to Assess Pain or Lack of Comfort in Dementia: A Content Analysis
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van der Steen JT, Sampson EL, Van den Block L, Lord K, Vankova H, Pautex S, Vandervoort A, Radbruch L, Shvartzman P, Sacchi V, de Vet HC, Van Den Noortgate NJ
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Preparedness for End of Life – a Survey of Jerusalem District Nursing Homes.
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Shaulov A, Frankel M, Rubinow A, Maaravi Y, Brezis M
Bar-Ze'ev Y, Singer Y, Shvartzman P.
Evaluating the Need for Palliative Care Services at a General Hospital in Israel
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Bar-Ze'ev Y, Singer Y, Shvartzman P.
Sampson EL, van der Steen JT, Pautex S, Shvartzman P, Sacchi V, Van den Block L, Van Den Noortgate N.
European palliative care guidelines: how well do they meet the needs of people with impaired cognition?
BMJ Support Palliat Care ;5(3):301-5.
Sampson EL, van der Steen JT, Pautex S, Shvartzman P, Sacchi V, Van den Block L, Van Den Noortgate N.
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Canine Scent Detection of Volatile Elements, Characteristic of Malignant Cells, in Cell Cultures
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Yoel U, Gopas J, Ozer J, Peleg R, Shvartzman P.