טיפול פליאטיבי ילדים
“Acutherapy and Traditional Chinese Medicine in Pediatric Pain and Symptom Management”. Robyn “Ra” Adcock, DACM, LAc, Dipl. O.M., CMT
Disparities in palliative care for children with serious illness at end of life”. Emily Johnston, MD, MS
Prevention and Relief of Pain and Anxiety from Needle Procedures in Children with Cancer in Low- and Middle-Income Countries” Dr. Michael McNeil
“Pediatric sedation & anxiolysis for painful procedures” Karen Sun, MD & Robin Alley, RN
: “Manuel Morphine? Massage Therapy in Pediatric Pain & Symptom Management” Kathleen Phelan, CMT, Cathy Fujimoto, CMT, CLT, CIMT and Marcia Degelman, CMT
Methadone in Neonates, Children and Adolescents: From Clinical Indications, Opioid Conversion & Utilization in Opioid-Naïve Patients” Stefan Friedrichsdorf, MD
“From Evidence to Action? Preventing Pain & Anxiety Before, During and After Vaccinations” Anna Taddio, PharmD
“Management of Neurological Symptoms in Children with Serious Illness” – Sonali Tatapudy, MD
The Comfort Promise 2.0: Preventing or Easing Pain and Anxiety Caused by Needle Procedures. For Every Child. Every Time” – Barbette Murphy, MSN, RN, CPNP & Kristen Beckler, M.Ed, CTRS, CCLS
“Practicing Grief Informed Care” – Summer Segal, PhD, MS, LCGC
2 מ 2
השיעור הקודם
“Practicing Grief Informed Care” – Summer Segal, PhD, MS, LCGC
טיפול פליאטיבי ילדים
“Practicing Grief Informed Care” – Summer Segal, PhD, MS, LCGC
השיעור הקודם
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